Archive for November, 2018

three short seconds

tfw you’re walking around in the first snowfall and you think you see someone you haven’t seen in a long time and really miss and you call out their name and a stranger stares back at you like you’re a crazy person and you put your head down and turn around and walk into the wind and wonder if you’re losing your mind or if the alcohol is playing tricks on you and whether or not your rambling all these years has done you wrong and if those bad dreams you had the other night that had you crying aloud in your sleep fortold all of this and you should have seen it coming and if these three dimes in your pocket count as happy times cuz you’ve got all of what you need but none of what you want and you realize that youve earned nothing and everything you have was given to you out of kindness, I suppose. And so you keep walking into the wind hoping to find a bar with loud music and fast talking women and some hard drinking men cuz that’s where you feel like you can blend in and this stranger that you just yelled at won’t be staring at you anymore like you’re a crazy person and these have been the longest three short seconds of your life.